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Author Topic: Plan of Action - Upcoming Projects  (Read 13495 times)

Offline Swift

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Plan of Action - Upcoming Projects
« on: June 25, 2019, 01:23:33 PM »
Before our relaunch I decided that I'll continue to create new fixed width website templates to share with our community. In the meantime I'll be making some much needed changes to our own website, and our current templates that we offer now. Here is our plan;

1. Our existing free downloads will be updated with new HTML coding and CSS values that work best for today's browsers.

2. I'll be updating our current themes that use flash banners the option to use HTML menus, eliminating your viewers the hassle of installing or permitting the use of flash on your site. I'll repackage them and offer them as a download with the option to use both flash and HTML styles.

3. I have a few project I've already been working on over the past few years that I haven't posted (3 total), so I'll be posting those downloads too.

4. Will be developing a new theme that is responsive. I've have a few already, but I haven't offered them as a free download, or made them public. (trial and error project). So hope to release one by the end of the year.

5. I like to start offering my own WordPress theme. This is a big deal for me for sure because I have not utilized a platform like WordPress to base a theme on, so I'm looking forward to the challenge.

So these are the first few things I'll be doing here. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please be sure to let me know. If you would like to corroborate on a project, just ask. Always open to other developers ideas and suggestions. Thanks again!
Todd Swift
Web Developer